Monday, June 9, 2014

We hit the road at 9:00 a.m.  Right on time.  Thank you Miss Theresa for coming out and taking our picture (Mya woke her up!!!)  We made it to Palestine, Texas - about 270 miles. So green up here.  It poured on us through the Austin area and we just tried to go for an after dinner walk but got caught by the rain.  It's so nice to have rain for a change.  Big tall trees in this area including pine trees.  We even saw camels!!! Go figure.  A lot of farms in this area including exotic animal farms.  The people who own this RV park just bought it 2 months ago.  They are living in a trailer while they remodel the house.  They also have 2 horses and a couple of dogs.  It's a beautiful setting tucked away in the woods.
June 9, 2014 - Heading out.
Towing the car is working fine except when I steered Jeff the wrong way down a skinny side road trying to find somewhere to stop for lunch. He managed to turn the darn thing around in a wide spot in the road. We keep eyeballing all the gas stations to find ones that would accommodate such a long rig.  We figure with the RV and the car we are at about 55ft! Tomorrow we are headed in the direction of Hot Springs, Arkansas and the National Park there.  

This may be our last long summer trip.  Both girls, as we were leaving said, "we are leaving all our friends behind!" I guess we better make the best of this trip.  May be only shorter ones in our future. I could live like this - on the road - one adventure after the other.  Going to enjoy it while we can!


  1. How wonderful to be able to follow your adventures!

  2. Now you're heading into my old stomping grounds. When I was still living in OKC, we would go to Hot Springs during horse racing season. They still have a couple of the old bath houses that are open. Definitely worth the stop if you weren't just starting out on your adventure. There's a log of history there in Hot Springs. Al Capone spent a lot of time there and even had his own room that they always kept available for him at the big hotel there. I've gone blank on the name of it but it's a grand old hotel. I just stayed there a few days before Christmas on 2009, I think it was. Anyway, enjoy your adventure and be safe.
