Sunday, June 22, 2014

Niagara Falls

Vineyard Country in Northern New York - thought
we were going to get stuck behind this guy!
Vineyards in Northern NY
We left Indian Creek RV resort on Saturday morning and made our way across the northern part of Ohio along Lake Erie.  We were bummed because we thought we could stick our toes in Lake Erie at the beach access point but we could only go to the end of the boardwalk.  The beach appears to be owned by the hotels along there.  That's okay - at least we got to see it.  So huge - like the ocean. Ohio is lovely - lots of rolling farmland and red brick houses.  We are alternating between slower scenic routes and the freeways depending on how we feel, either making mileage or enjoying the scenery.  We were surprised by the number of vineyards in Northern Pennsylvania and New York.  I guess I only think of California as "wine country" but there were acres and acres of vineyards up here. Seems like it would be too short a growing season but I guess not. It only took us about an hour to drive from the border of Ohio through this part of Pennsylvania into New York.

Jade and Mya on the Banana Bikes
We decided to stay in a KOA on Grand Island just outside Niagara Falls. It was perfect for the girls.  A pool with double water slides and these banana bikes. They look easy to ride but I tried it and it's weird.  You steer by leaning your body.  The girls got the hang of it eventually and had a blast!

Bridge to Canada - where's the fence???
So we headed to the Falls this morning.  It's actually a State Park.  I was thinking it would be a pristine spot out in nature.  I was really disappointed.  Most of the park is under construction and it's really a tourist trap.  They charge for every little thing - even to go to the observation tower.  It's located in the middle of the city of Niagara Falls and it's crowded. People just throw trash on the ground - sad. Lots of tacky souvenir shops - yuk!  Tourists from everywhere flock here. We were laughing because for once, the girls looked like the crowd and their caucasian parents looked like the "minority".  The girls thought that was funny!!
But the Falls are amazing.  We could look across and see Canada.  We could have driven across but really no point in doing that. Jeff and I were talking about why there's no "fence" here keeping the "illegals" out.  Seems strange that we are so worried about our southern border but not our northern border (but I digress). We'll head there eventually to get to Nova Scotia.

The Falls
Rainbow over the Falls
We are headed due east tomorrow.  The Adirondack mountains are east of here and you either have to go the northern route or the southern route.  I think we are going to go north. We want to hit Vermont and New Hampshire before we head up into Canada to Nova Scotia.  Then we'll come through Maine on our way back south.  At least that's the plan for today:-)  Talked to some folks from Georgia who have just come this way from Maine headed south. They said they really enjoyed Bar Harbor which is where we are headed.  It's fun meeting people on the road just like us. We all have tales to share.

More Falls - Noisy here
We had take-out pizza for dinner tonight.  Got the laundry done.  I told Jeff if we ever move, we really don't need a washer and dryer.  Going to the laundromat is so easy.  You do three loads all at the same time, toss them in the dryer and in about an hour - voila!  You're done:-)  Instead of taking all dang day long!

Tomorrow's a traveling day.  Up early and "on the road again"!
Dada and the girls - Canada in the background

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