Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Amish Country and Vermont

(Writing this on the road) Driving through a little town in the northernmost area of New York State called Malone. Thank goodness for Walmart parking lots – it’s the only space big enough for us to park and have lunch!  Not a lot (like none!)  of rest areas on some of these smaller highways.  We decided to take Highway 11 which I think is also referred to as the “Rooftop” highway because it goes over the top of the Adirondack Mountains.  Didn’t want to try to drive up and over those to get to Vermont although we could have stopped by the Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid.

We could have headed straight up to Canada but I didn’t come all this way to miss Vermont – which we’ve always wanted to see.  The problem is there are very few east/west roads in Vermont – mostly North/South. And we won’t go through here on our way back so it was now or never.

(We are now settled in our campground).  I can type while we drive but then I’m not navigating and we tend to get into trouble just listening to the GPS.  She isn’t always correct – go figure.

Capt. Jeff on Lake Ontario

Seagull Invasion
We spent the night last night in a little RV park right on the shores of Lake Ontario.  We finally got to stick our feet into one of the great lakes!  The area reminds us a lot of the Kenai Peninsula.  There are even birch trees which we haven’t seen anywhere except Alaska.  Lots of seagulls.  There was an “invasion” of them this morning on the lawn at the campsite. They were all walking in the same direction like a little trained army. It rained last night so we are thinking they were hunting for juicy worms.

Crummy pic of Horse and Carriage
Highway 11 winds through a bunch of small towns through farmland.  The area around Dekalb, NY must be Amish country.  We saw many horse and buggies and men, women, and children in Amish dress.  There was a man selling strawberries at a roadside stand, two little Amish girls selling strawberries at a little stand in another community – we waved to them and they smiled and waved back.  One little  darling brother and sister in Amish dress looked like they were carrying a sack of groceries home from the grocery store.  I didn’t take any pictures because I read that they consider it very rude to take their photos – plus driving down the road isn’t great for picture taking. I tried to get a picture of an empty horse and buggy but not so successful. So many beautiful old churches in the area.  Most built around the early 1800s.  It’s rather a picture postcard type of place.

I’m such a geek that I’m listening to a book (you can only talk to your spouse for so many miles – lol!)  entitled “The Global Achievement Gap” about education in America.  One of the things he talks about is encouraging students to ask good questions – to encourage them to use their natural curiosity.  Well, it seems our girls are not curious about anything:-(  So we gave them three questions they had to answer that WE were curious about.  (1. What bodies of water feed into Lake Ontario; 2. Where does the water from Lake Ontario go; and 3. How much fish can you eat from Lake Ontario and still be healthy - because of pollutants like mercury is what we were thinking. - Okay- now if you don't know the answers, go look it up - lol!)  They said "mom, this sounds like school!!"  But they did find out the first one at least. We'll have to limit it to one question a night:-)  Apparently, the only thing they are curious about is how much the soft ice cream costs at the RV parks that have it - geesh! (Jeff's question is "why does Jade always get her knickers in a twist when we speak to her?" - lol!)

Sailboats on the NY side of Lake Champlain
Crossed into Vermont around 2:00 pm on a bridge over Lake Champlain.  The GPS took us on the scenic route which took us across three islands in the middle of the lake.  It just makes me nervous because we are so tall.  I always end up ducking when we go under those railroad bridges.  We went under a couple in NY holding our breath because there were no signs saying how high the bridges were.  Jade’s response to that was “YOLO” (which I’ve learned on this trip means – You Only Live Once) so apparently we are supposed to go for it and just see what happens – that’s helpful!! 

Tomorrow our plan is to head south to Montpelier and then north up toward Canada.  Tonight's question - "How did Lake Champlain get it's name?"  See if you can find out:-)

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