Sunday, June 15, 2014

Peaceful Sunday Morning

A peaceful rainy morning at Table Rock Lake
Just sitting here listening to the mockingbirds and doves singing, watching the chipmunk nibbling away at the burnt popcorn Mya tossed on the grass last night.  We are still here at Table Rock Lake in NW Arkansas.  Decided last night to stay for one more day.  Woke up to wild wind and pouring rain and figured this was a great day to sit around and do nothing. We were planning to head north up through Branson and Springfield, Missouri but Springfield was under a high wind warning so not a good travel day anyway.  And besides, the Spurs play tonight and we get great reception here with our satellite TV. Go Spurs Go!
Even the snails are getting washed out this morning.
(Last night I read back through the blog and realized I said we were headed through Hot Springs, AR.  That didn't happen!  But that's how it goes when you don't have any real timetable or destination.  We decided to take the more direct route to this place and so went up the eastern side of Oklahoma and then through Ft. Smith and Fayettville.)

Yesterday we had a blast trying out the resort's tennis and pickleball courts.  (We had to Google the rules for pickleball but it seems to be just like ping-pong.)  We stink at both - lol! The girls found out that tennis isn't as easy as it looks and I discovered just how lazy they are when it comes to chasing the ball down.  That
task fell to me -  what's up with that?!? I love
pickleball though. Brought back memories of playing ping pong at our house  in Anchorage when we were little. I seem to remember my
dad trying to teach us how to play tennis too.  I was about as successful with the girls as he was with us!
Happy Father's Day!
We also get to stay put and celebrate Father's Day. The Walmart bag gift wrap was so elegant.  He got a mosquito repellent lantern so we will all be huddled up with him when we get to Canada.  So far we've been lucky with no mosquitos - some little flies - they don't bite but they are annoying.

So relaxing sitting here in the rain and listening to the thunder.  Jeff's got his TV, the girls have got their tablets and phones, and I have an 800 page book called Natchez Burning (signed by the author when I was as at the Texas Library Association conference.)  I was saving it for this trip. Life is GOOD!

Tomorrow we will get back on the road again. The plan is to head due east to Kentucky and visit Mammoth Cave National Park.

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