Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Teleported to Seward Alaska

Whoa!  We woke up this morning and it's like we are in Seward, Alaska. (Our Alaska friends can appreciate this!)  It's pouring rain and has been since the middle of the night.

And as has been happening lately, we are not going where I thought we were today.  There is a pattern developing here.  Jeff and I talk about where we are going the following day.  I think we've decided on a route and destination.  THEN . . .

Jeff ALWAYS wakes up before me, makes his coffee, eats breakfast, and starts looking at the maps and RV park listings.  NEXT thing you know, we are going somewhere else - go figure! Now this makes it sound like I sleep till noon or something which is NOT the case.  But he gets up at 5:30 or 6 most mornings.  Not this girl - it's not time to go to work.  So around 7 or 8 I get up but this has given him enough time to investigate and mull over the options that we talked about the night before a bit more.  So apparently today we are NOT heading into Canada but across New Hampshire into Maine THEN up into Canada!

Can't we just stay here and doze and read??
As I type this I'm laughing because last year was Jeff's first long distance adventure and he hadn't really figured out the planning  part of the travel - he just let me decide and tell him where to drive. But THIS time, he's doing most of the planning (because I'm sleeping - lol!).  It's okay, but as navigator, it leaves me a bit lost.  That and he tries to explain his NEW route to me and I haven't even taken my vitamins and drunk my tea yet - so of course, I agree to whatever he says.  Hey, I'm not even AWAKE!  This minute, I've eaten my vitamins and the water has boiled for my tea but my brain is still in a fog.  That, and all I really want to do today is lay in bed in my pajamas and listen to the rain and MAYBE expend enough energy to read a book.

Look out SOMEWHERE here we come:-)

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