Saturday, June 7, 2014

Getting Ready

Ugh!  The hardest part of traveling is doing laundry, packing, and getting the house ready for a house sitter.  We always have to remind ourselves that we are only traveling in America (and a little Canada) so if we forget anything, we can always buy it.  But things like our passports (yes, you must have passports to go into Canada) and essentials like the rice cooker - the girls eat a LOT of rice - need to be packed. We always say we are going to make a list, but that never happens.  Besides the list would be mile long.  Thank goodness the girls are old enough to gather their own stuff together although on our last trip, Mya forgot her swim suit. Oh well, I guess you can buy one of those too.  We are also towing my car this time which has got both Jeff and I nervous as it makes for a very LONG vehicle. We told the girls if they get too crabby we are going to make them ride in the car and we'll just give them bread and water!!!

This is the map on the side of our RV.  We covered most of this territory last summer except for the 6 states above and just east of Texas. We aren't sure how many we'll cover this summer.  We are going to head up inland through Arkansas and Missouri because we want to go to Table Rock Lake in the Ozarks.  From there up to Nova Scotia is all a guess.  We will come back down the east coast in some fashion.

The dryer just buzzed.  Time for the next load of laundry.

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