Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three States in One Day!

Baby Soybean plants
Three states in one day!  We headed due east from Poplar Bluff, Missouri and around noon today ended up spending about 1 minute in Illinois before we made it to Kentucky. We saw some Amish folk as we drove down the highway in Missouri.  We saw them in their carriages right along the road.  I found it rather ironic that at the local McDonald's there was an actual hitching post for the horse drawn wagon.  They eschew modern conveniences like phones and cars but they don't mind fast food.  Kind of weird!

We crossed over into Kentucky right where the Mississippi River and the Ohio River meet.  Amazing to see the "mighty Mississippi" and all the barges. Made me think of Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer.  We also saw the birthplace of Jefferson Davis, the "president" of the confederacy. According to Google, he was a "reluctant recessionist". They have a 351 foot obelisk - think miniature Washington Monument" - to honor him. Robert Penn Warren, author of All the President's Men and other works, was also born in this area. We are crossing mostly farmland - lot's of corn and soybean crops.
Barges on the Mighty Mississippi
Barges on the Mississippi
We made it to Cave City just outside Mammoth Cave National Park.  We drove by the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green that was in the news not too long ago because part of the showroom floor fell into a sinkhole. They retrieved 8 Corvettes from the hole.   Apparently, they have shored up the spot and you can still visit.  It makes me rather nervous knowing that's what's below us in this area!  It's stinking hot at the moment.  Got up to high 90s today.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.  We've got reservations for a cave tour tomorrow at 10:00am and will spend the day exploring the park and surrounding area.  It will be nice and cool in there.

After we leave here I think we are heading due North into Ohio.  We want to get out of the heat. We've been making about 250 miles a day.  I think we will skirt the Great Lakes and head into Canada from Vermont or New Hampshire. On with the adventure!!

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