Friday, June 27, 2014

Stowhagen, Maine

Leaving Vermont
It's a beautiful morning!!  Finally, the rain has stopped.  There's a reason it's so green here. Actually, we've been traveling right along with a storm and we've finally out-waited it.

Not THE Santa House - Just a fake in New Hampshire
Took us about an hour to cross through New Hampshire up in the northern part.  We even stopped and had lunch - across from Santa's house!  Now if you are from Alaska you know the REAL Santa's House is at the North Pole (North Pole, Alaska - yes, a REAL place).  This one was like a mini-amusement park.

Downtown Skowhegan - Kennebec River
So we are at a beautiful RV park on the banks of the Kennebec River in central Maine.  It started raining hard just about the time we arrived and kept at it all night.  The water in the rivers is already high around here because they've had more than the normal rainfall in the last few weeks.  Jeff and I kept waking up expecting a knock on the door to tell us to move to higher ground!!  Yesterday was a perfect day to stay put and do nothing - and I got my wish.
Unfortunately, it was because Jeff took the car to go get some plumbing part and the "check transmission" light came on in the car- ACK!  He ended up driving it to the local Jeep dealer to talk to them.  Long story short, we think it had something to do with putting it into "tow" mode and then switching it out.  He did that a couple of times and then drove it all over the place to make sure the lights stayed out.  But by then it was almost 11.  So since we were in a nice spot we decided to stay put for another night - HOORAY!

After our Thai dinner - touring downtown
I vacuumed and cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry (yes, you still have chores when you live in an RV) and then we watched The Desolation of Smaug.  We were so mad - the girls and I didn't realize it was only part I. There was a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth when the credits started rolling.  Jeff knew - he just laughed at us!

Got in a nap and then went out for Thai food.  Strolled around the town a bit.  All in all a most pleasant day.  Just what was needed before hitting the road again.

Today we head north and will spend the night just this side of the US border.  There is a big gas station, Walmart, and RV park there.  We want to load up on "provisions" because Canada is super expensive.  We have reservations at an RV park about half way to Halifax and then the following night we will get to Halifax and stay for 3 nights so we can go exploring and go to Lunenberg - the ultimate goal!  We have reservations at both places so Jeff can't change his mind now:-)

I don't know what the wi-fi situation is going to be like in Canada so this may be the last post for a week or so.  We'll have to see what we encounter along the way.

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