Saturday, July 5, 2014

Best Husband EVER! - Saga of the Inflatable (deflated) Kayak

I love to kayak.  Nothing better than being out on the water all alone, early in the morning, drinking a cup of tea, and admiring the scenery and wildlife.  It's so quiet - there is nothing like it.  I've had two kayaks - both inflatable from a company called Sea Eagle.  It was great because you could take it anywhere and with a few pumps from a foot pump, you were ready to go.  The first one we had about 3 years ago split along the seam in the stern and the company quickly replaced it.  This trip we took my replacement boat and I got to use it for the first time in Arkansas when we were at Table Rock Lake. One time.  Jeff comes in from his walk to the beach the second morning and informs me that it's flat on one side.  ARGH!  So we pump it up but it deflates in about 3 minutes.  Not good. I am NOT happy.  We emailed the company only to be ignored until I called about 2 weeks later.  They said, "oh, I'm so sorry - we had trouble with that model and unfortunately, you probably got a replacement from the same batch. We can't refund your money, but we'll send you another replacement (it's supposedly the new and improved version - yeah, right!) Not going to help on this trip! We'll deal with that when we return to Texas.

So periodically along our trip, when we've been beside a body of water I'll make the sarcastic remark that, "oh, I can go kayaking BUT NO, the kayak has a leak in it!! (whine, whine whine.)  

Kayaking in Western Bay on the coast of Maine
Seriously, I couldn't believe that I was going to be on the coast of Maine possibly the only time in my life and I wasn't going to get to go kayaking. So what does Jeff do?  What he always does.  He researches to the nth degree different types of kayaks (NOT the inflatable kind!), the kind of carrier it would need for the top of my car, and discovers that they have a great store in Rockport, Maine about 60 miles from here. He gets up Tuesday morning and drives to Rockport and comes back with a beautiful red kayak that's even better than the one I had (and it won't go flat!). It's so AWESOME!  It just glides through the water like a hot knife through butter.  So I HAVE been able to kayak off the shores of Maine - the Western Bay - to be precise.  It only weighs 39 pounds and it sits nicely on the car-top rack that Jeff bought at the same time.  It's SO awesome!  I can't wait to try it on lakes and streams on our homeward journey.  

So yes, I have an awesome husband.  Just sayin'.

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